$5K Monthly Demo Contest – ThinkMarkets

Available For: All Clients
Prizes: $5000 USD
Exp. Date: 2024/12/31
Satus: Expired
Think Markets is bringing an interesting demo contest to the trading world. As usual in this demo contest their traders can improve their skills as well as win prizes. To participate here some rules and regulations must be known first and then obeyed during the contest. The 1st winner in this competition will get $2000 followed by 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winners $1500, $1000, and $500 respectively. The total cash prize in the contest is 5000 USD. Registration can be made any time prior to the start of the contests and only one account is available per participant. Four winners will receive the maximum return after the competition ends. Winners in the competition can trade without any Conditions. The result will be declared within 14 days after the end of the competition and the cash prize will be deposited within ten days. Winners will be responsible for applicable taxes. terms and conditions most for competition because if any breach happens then there is the chance of banning the account moreover, there will be a possibility of disqualification if contestants do any kind of manipulation.

ThinkMarkets Forex Monthly Demo Contest Win $5,000
Joining Link: Competition
Contest’s Time:
- Start – At the beginning of the Month
- End – At the End of the month
- Registration – Until the end of the competition
- Duration – 1-Month
Offer is Applicable: All Clients
How to Apply:
- Open an account, IF you don’t have one already.
- Register it for the contest
The Contest Prizes:
- 1st prize – $2,000 USD
- 2nd prize – $1,500 USD
- 3rd prize – $1,000 USD
- 4th prize – $500 USD
Profit withdrawal:
- Yes
Terms & Conditions – ThinkMarkets Monthly Demo Competition
- General terms and conditions apply.
- ThinkMarkets reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of this Contest